Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pour Coi

Before I start to forget all of the precious details of my 3-and-a-half hour odyssey through the 11-course repast at oh-so-classy Coi, nestled among North Beach's strip clubs and cheesy stores peddling all manner of sex paraphernalia, I'm getting it "down on paper"—though I'll rely on the images to tell most of the story.

cracker with fennel seeds accompanied by some very nice bubbly

a delicate beet rose with yogurt and shaved rose ice

geoduck, manila clams and seaweed salad

one of my faves: fromage blanc with wheat grass emulsion, a crispety wheat cracker and other goodies

pea soup ... not your mother's kind

asparagus with seaweed dust and a lemon sabayon

super moist, super tender duck tongue and crunchy abalone salad

morels with popcorn, popcorn sauce and roasted potatoes

Prather ranch beef tenderloin with bone marrow

carrots and coffee with yogurt and candied nuts

strawberries with sorrel ice cream and buttermilk foam

Muscovado cake and crisps

chocolate paper

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pickling Party

Koreans love pickles ... all kinds of pickles. Something about that sour-y, vinegary, sweet, tingly, tangy, fermented, fill-in-the-blank quality to the pickled vegetable or fruit tickles our fancy.

Happily, I got to attend a pickling party at J&J's not too long ago, where we canned several pounds of cucumbers, cherries and rhubarbs one lazy afternoon. OK, so the cherries weren't put into any kind of vinegar solution, but rather one favoring brandy and cognac. But since they were made specifically for Manhattans, which are meant to get a person pickled, we figured the shoe fit.