What's Balinese taste like? Well, I'd say it's got a little bit of Chinese, Indian, Thai and Malaysian going on along with some really inspired and yet simple flavor combinations I've never had before—like the I-can't-help-myself-I've got-to-have-more grilled chicken with roasted coconut sauce.

Dinner is served. Our hostess ever-so-graciously explained each dish on our overloaded tray (yes, our eyes were bigger than our stomachs) ...

The tender and smokey grilled chicken with roasted coconut sauce (Siap Mepanggang, top); beef, chicken and fish satay (right); and addictive and ubiquitous fried noodles (Mie Goreng, bottom).

The honkin' braised lamb shank with tamarind (Kaki Kambing).

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