Here then was the line-up for the evening:

My fave: tender prawns that were crisped in a light batter, served with generous helpings of chopped ripe mango, red onion, red bell pepper and peanuts and a yummy tangy-sweet sauce.

Called "Volcanic Beef," this small tower of tender grilled steak cubes and chopped bell peppers was flavored with basil and lots of black pepper, doused in a "lava" sauce (aka sweet meaty jus) and topped with a few onion rings deep-fried in a sweet batter (coulda done without the rings .. "are there onions in there?" asked JG, so heavy was the batter).

The zucchinis tucked under the salmon were probably the stars of this resto special; grilled just 'til they were crisp-tender and swimming in a sweet coconut and pomegranate sauce that looked like turkey gravy until you took a taste. Of course, i couldn't detect any pomegranate—a sprinkling of the jewel-toned seeds would've made this a visually more appealing dish. Still, it was a tasty sauce and helped make up (albeit only a teensy bit) for the over-cooked, dried-out salmon. Medium-rare, with the emphasis on rare, is the way I like it.
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